Here we are, the first week of a new year, Happy New Year! 🎉

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Did you pick a word for the year? Did you set some goals for 2024? 

Personally, I don’t make resolutions. I choose a word and make a plan to use that word as a guiding light in my year. So far, I’ve started with a detox in my diet, my digital life and my time management. It is lending to a nice start and lots of time for reflection. ☺️

The word I chose this year is GROWTH. 🪴

I chose this word because my season of life is changing. I want my new season (as a soon-to-be empty nester) to be full. I want to embrace life without getting stuck in missing “what was”. 🥺

I loved raising my children, and now I want to really love them well in their adult lives in a way that creates new bonds between us. For many years I saw myself as “just a mom”. I am growing out of that mindset and I know that I am MORE than “just a mom” and want to live my life with my husband filled with intentionality, joy and freedom to experience all life has to offer us! 🤗

For me, GROWTH means: A time of Great Reflection of Obstacles Weighing me down. I am focusing on Transforming my Health & my Heart.

It covers my mindset, my health and my relationships-especially my relationship with Jesus. ♥️

I feel like in order to make gains, I must reflect on my past and review how things have gone so that I can make adjustments and move forward in overcoming things that are holding me back. Do you ever feel like there are things holding you back? 🤔

For me, goals are great…but when goals become ideals and aren’t put into action, growth does not happen. I have found that when I focus on the outcome, I sometimes miss the lessons and joy in the journey to get there. I think that when I’ve held myself back,  I might have hurt myself or others unintentionally. (that weighs me down) 😔

My husband recently mentioned that I say “I can’t” a little too often. He’s right. My insecurities stop me from taking chances despite my abilities. I love to encourage and cheer others on, but I’m not as good at doing that for myself. Funny how that works. 😣

As an all or nothing kinda gal, I pride myself when I can refrain from certain things. Unfortunately, it’s also becomes an obstacle or pride issue when I cannot refrain or let fear stop me and I have struggled to admit it. 🫣

But no more! 💪🏼

My goal this year is to grow! To stretch myself and grow in ways so that I’ll be able to reflect back on 2024 and see how far I’ve come. 

Failure is inevitable and that’s okay. If I don’t fail, I haven’t tried. Let me say that again, for you and for me. “Failure is inevitable and that. is. ok. if I don’t fail, I haven’t tried.” 

Are you afraid to fail? Do you feel stuck? Do you have dreams that you’ve been afraid to step out in faith to acquire? Do you feel like you have the knowledge to do something but are afraid to act on it? Are you waiting for the right ‘feeling’ to come along before you actually take that step needed to accomplish that goal or achieve that dream? (FYI, feelings can be deceptive.) 

How have those things been working out for you so far?  Will you look back in January 2025 and be able to say that you’ve made strides in the direction of your goals and dreams?  OR, will you look back and find yourself in the same spot? Are you lacking confidence? Do you have a trusted accountability partner?  If you are a Christian, are you seeking wisdom from Godly people who understand your values and beliefs? Are you willing to be vulnerable with people? 💗

Are you really ready to listen to the feedback? Are you not asking because you don’t want to hear the feedback? 

What are you hesitating about doing?

Do you like change? I typically don’t. But I’m at a place now where I want to embrace change because I want to experience growth. I want to conquer some fears so that I can experience growth. I want to have those hard talks so that I can experience that great joy in conquering fears. Are you there too? 

Join me this year, I’d love to have you along for the ride!

Keepin’ it real,